potty training

OK, please nobody judge and I’m not really sure what is the proper age to be potty training but my son turned three in October and I really wanna start pushing potty training soon. He tells us when his diaper is peed or pooped. He doesn’t like them on when they’re dirty so I do think he is ready to start. I need any advice or recommendations. Do we use the little potty? Do we put him on the big potty with the little seats, did you guys do rewards any advice?🚽🫶🏼
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He is ready

Lovevery has great books for going pee in potty & going poop in potty. Look at their website & on Amazon

I used a little potty… daycare uses the toilet …I do both at home … whatever we can get to faster, lol

They have a ready to go pee book too

I still would use pull ups for naps & bedtime…. Eventually… after a few months he got it & is able to stay dry during naps

Just make sure he uses potty before the nap

I hope this helps

Same we just started in September honestly most moms I know who did it early had no success and have been “potty” training for over a year and it’s hard to watch way easier at this age.

We tried everything for our daughter as soon as she turned 2 and absolutely nothing worked then about 2 weeks after her 3rd birthday she decided she wanted to start all on her own and she’s had 0 accidents… he will start when he is ready mama

We started a couple months before mine turned 3 if you do it be consistent, patient and don’t give in. We got pretty lucky but from what I hear kids can be very stubborn. We didn’t use a little potty either and we got a urinal which ours loved and he got a prize when he went and he was very motivated by that haha. It does get frustrating at times so if you need to walk away walk away don’t be negative as this can cause regression I hope it works out for you 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

Hey girl don’t stress on the age, 3 years old is a pretty normal age to potty train! My daughter turned 3 in Oct and she’s just now actually going on the potty. What got her motivated was putting pull ups with her favorite character Elsa on, and I’ve been rewarding her with a candy when she pees or poos and it’s actually been working. Maybe try finding pull ups or training underwear with a character that your son loves and he’ll get excited to use the potty! Seemed to work with my girl and get her motivated to go! Also I just use the potty that we use!

We stayed at home and did that 3 day method. It worked great. And actually just did two days. We started with undies and he and I went to the store to pick them out. He felt more in control that way. Set a lot of timers and asked him about every 30 min at first if he had to go. Preschool also helped because he saw other kids going potty. Just stay consistent with it otherwise it might take longer that it should

Also we waited until 3 to start. Didn’t want to rush it. He also asked about it a lot and started on a mini toliet. After about a couple weeks went to big potty with seat

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