Our alternatives to offer are usually banana, 100% peanut butter on rice cake or cucumber and cheese. Ie don’t make a new meal.
One last thing to add, could she be teething?
@Isla thank you this is really helpful ❤️. I’ve seen the veg pasta sauce recipe and she does love orzo so I will give it a try with that. Also peanut butter rice cake sounds like a good alternative I can add to my list! I do think she is teething but her teeth have been super super slow to come through so it’s hard to say how much effect that’s having too! She is the same with changing day to day, one day she loves savoury the next she will refuse it, some days yogurt gets rejected etc, madness! Haha
Every kid is going to be different, but for us our daughter went through her fussiest phase between age 1 to 2. She got better at 2 and now 3 and much better (although still won’t touch much fruit other than banana and melon). She rejected lots of foods based on textures and what she refused would change every night (eg one night she’d only eat peas, then the next she’d pick out the peas and throw them away). For us, I roast up loads of veg (tomatoes, peppers, courgette, etc) then blend it to make a sauce and use either as soup or add to pasta. It has always been a winner and gets the veggies in them when they’re being fussier. Also an easy meal for me as we have lots stored in freezer so quick meal. It Could be she’s not hungry as well. If she refuses dinner you could try offering something nutritious that you know she’ll typically eat but isn’t one of her favourite things.