Baby bed time

At what age did you start putting your baby to bed earlier for their ‘routine’? our baby is 8 weeks old and we go to bed around 10-11pm so baby doesn’t usually go down to sleep till 11ish every night, am worrying if I leave it too long to start an earlier bed time that they will always be used to staying up with us? But I’m not comfortable leaving baby alone upstairs sleeping yet
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My son went to bed around 10-11pm until he was 6 months old and then we brought it down to 9pm. After he turned one we made it 8pm and he’s now 18 months still going to bed at 8. Once he starts nursery I’ll bring it down to 7. Their bed times don’t matter much at this age so don’t stress about it! I’m aiming to have a bedtime routine for my daughter in place by 12 weeks old but what’s important is that the routine is consistent, not that the timing is consistent. So for example bath, book, bottle, bed is important, but making sure to do it at a set time is less important until they’re older

My 7 wk old is following my toddlers - bath, toddler bedtime 7, then he falls asleep around 7.30 - but he does get woken up for the day at about 6, so earlier bedtime works. He wakes for his next feed around 10ish.

Our girl goes to sleep around 10.30 for the night and sleeps till 8.30 with one wake up for feeding usually around 4am, I think I'll gradually make it slightly earlier in the new year so she's ready for when I go back to work to have BF before I have to leave the house at 8 x

We started a routine at 3 weeks with our little girl as she was mega grumpy downstairs in the evening and our son goes to bed at 7pm anyway so made sense to try her out with that too. She’s 9 weeks now and gets on really well with it. I think it’s mostly a case of doing it when you feel ready though, no need to rush if you don’t feel comfortable yet!

I started putting my baby to bed earlier from 7 weeks, he's 9 weeks tomorrow. Like my first baby he just doesn't settle well downstairs, it was taking hours and our whole evenings to settle him. We follow wake windows and his average bedtime according to huckleberry over the last week was 8:20pm. I do leave him in his room an hour or two before going to join him. We join my 3 year old for her bedtime routine if it works out, otherwise he has a bath every other day, then I just swaddle him, white noise & low light on and settle him in his room. If we join my daughter he has a story as well. Just do what works for you.

My 9 week old goes down at about 8:30/9 like clockwork. Typically wakes at 1am for his first feed. We fell into this routine naturally just following what he wants! I’m glad he’s an early sleeper 😂

My baby is 10 weeks and has sort of put himself into his own routine. He has a feed around 5.30 then we will bath him the same time as our 2 year old daughter at about 6.15/6.30 then he usually stays awake and has some play time till his next feed at about 8/8.30 then after will fall asleep till usually 4/5am for another feed. I’m the same going to bed early and just chilling watching tv in our room as I like him to be in his bed so he can fall asleep and not be disturbed moving him when we go up.

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