Early mum days

I finally gave birth to my baby girl on the 10th. It was painful but so worth it in the end. I feel so empty now not in a sad way but in a I miss being with her 24/7 when she was in my womb. Like I was never alone and now when I go take a nap or leave her in another room I get so sad because she was once apart of me and now I have to share her with the world. Sounds weird lol but I feel like I took being pregnant for granted especially towards the end. I was so fed up and tired all the time but now I miss her little kicks. But I’m so happy she’s here and she’s healthy and I’m looking forward to our new life together. Just wanted to rant and get this off my chest really and see if anyone has felt like this before lol.
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Certainly with my first and to some extent this time round, it makes me irritable whenever someone else is holding my LG. I just want her back, it’s like an intense feeling of missing her and they’re literally about 2 steps away. The only person I don’t have that with is my husband, mum & dad. It’s such a strange feeling. I think as a mum though, especially so newly pp, when your hormones are raging, you just have this fierce protective instinct and you don’t want to share that precious little person with anyone. Sooo I think what you’re feeling is totally normal and you won’t be alone x

It’s a pretty normal feeling/emotion to have! That’s why I don’t tend to pass my babies around and share them 🙊 they’re mine/ours, and most of the time on my chest or getting a cuddle from my husband or one of my older kids. Don’t really care what anyone else thinks/says.. and you can’t spoil them/love them too much. Enjoy this newborn bubble x

Completely normal. You're now in the 4th trimester. She will want to be on you for the same reason.... enjoy it. It goes so quickly xx

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