Toilet nightmare

My boy hasn’t worn a nappy during the day for over a year and is generally very good at home, with the odd wee accident if he’s engaged in an activity (or having a tantrum!). He’s never been great at nursery though and the last few weeks at nursery he’s had 2-5 accidents a day. I’m losing my mind. How normal is it and at what point would you go to the GP?
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These days kids are taking a long time to get nappy trained . Dnt give up 🤞 good luck

I would speak with the nursery and ask on which cases the kid is wetting himself? Is t because he's distracted? Because they don't ask? If he's been nappy trained for over a year then to me there's something that's not right. Is he confident speaking with the teachers? I would try to speak with him and 100% speak with the staff. If it's not solved I would contact the health visitor or the GP. Don't want to alarm you, but personally I would be worried. It takes time to be potty trained but if he only has issues in nursery then that's where you need to find the cause. Good luck!

I am at the stage where I’m going to get him checked out at the gp just to rule out anything underlying. He went into the pre school room in September and I know they no longer prompt him to go as they want to foster independence but I do think that’s a big part of the issue. He will take himself to the loo at home and nursery so it could just be distraction but it seems to have gone on for a long time. I also know there can be a regression and we’re just coming out of a tantrum and sleep regression too so it could all be linked. Thank you for the advice x

I would ask nursery if they can prompt him or even take him to the toilet every so often, at the end of the day it will help them as well

@Kath i think you’re right. I love the nursery but with him being almost a year younger than others, I think they forget he still needs a bit of support

I had this problem with my son, I had to talk to his nursery because it was strange how he was having no accidents at home but wetting himself multiple time at nursery. I just reminded them to ask him every 10 mins if he needed a toilet.I’d say it’s normal at this age

We are in a tantrum and sleep regression with a bit of going backwards on potty training had 3 poo accidents at nursery the other day and hasn't had any since after the 1st few weeks of being trained. I think we are having a big development leap.

My daughter kept having accidents are nursery only. I spoke to them and said they need to pay more attention to when she needs the toilet until she’s tuned in fully with all the distractions. Since having a word, she’s not had a single accident for about 3 weeks x

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