@Karen her previous nursery felt she could have autism and really pushed that opinion but as parents we didn’t agree , we have since move county and her new nursery haven’t had the same concerns other then with her speech! We feel some things are delayed because of that language barrier for her but she’s really come along but I’ve always had a worry about other things since it was suggested, I do feel adhd could be something but I have no idea with anything else really!
My daughter is younger at 3 and a bit but when I ask her what she had for lunch at nursery she always says I don't know or don't remember. Could it just be that? Maybe at 4 you would expect her to remember, I'm not sure
Was wondering if there’s a slight processing delay as she’s trying to work out the words to use. My daughter had a severe speech delay and now has an ehcp. She doesn’t have autism and has been seen by an educational psycologist to check there are no underlying issues. Is there any other concerns?