Am I being dramatic?
Please keep in mind this is my first baby, so this is her first Christmas. Some background info my in-laws watch her while I am at work.Also she has not seen Santa/ taken pictures with him and Christmas is a big deal to me, my favorite holiday. So today they went shopping and the store had a Santa there to take pictures with. They took her to get a picture with Santa. I'm just a little upset that the was her first interaction with him and I was not there. My husband thinks it's not a big deal.
This is not the first time they done something like that. While I was pregnant they were those telling people I was pregnant before we got the chance too and my father in law was the one telling my side of the family the gender even before me and my husband knew (my dad was the one who first found out the gender and he was going to tell us the gender but when we told them my dad was going to know my father In law got upset and said he should also find out since he is also the grandpa so we let him see the gender)
Do something your husband likes with your baby without him and see if it’s not a big deal 😎