You’re not a terrible mom, you’re the best mom that baby could ever have because you’re trying so damn hard. I hear you, I feel you, and you are doing an amazing job. The bar is survival and caring for your baby and you’re doing that. Just remember this is temporary and it will get so much better. Just keep breathing in and out.
You’re doing amazing mama I know it’s hard but it doesn’t last forever. If you need someone to talk to I’m here ❤️
Sounds like ppd. Definitely seek help!
This is called post partum anxiety. Look, a baby that wont stop crying is so stressful. Like it makes the stress receptors in your brain go crazy so we have a biological motivation to solve the crying. The fact your baby crying stresses you out does not make you a bad mum. It actually means you have strong maternal instincts. And no one can handle sleep deprivation for prolonged periods. Have you tried cosleeping? My babies wouldn't sleep alone, point blank. Just google safe cosleeping. If bub is screaming 24/7 then it's VERY likely food allergies. Breastfed or formula fed?
You need someone to talk to. I call on the Holy Spirit to help you and relief you of all the stress.
It’s okay. Baby might have a protein sensitivity to Cows dairy. First ask your Doctor for help. Then let the Baby’s doctor know about the non stop crying. Ask about colic or protein sensitivities and see if it starts to help.
Please call some family or friends if you can’t reach healthcare provider, somebody is willing to give you a break & have some time to yourself Mama. I remember when mines was 2 months old & I felt like I didn’t sleep for 24-48hrs , it’s not good on the brain or body.
Speak to your midwife or health visitor that’s what they are there for 💖