At what point did you start suspecting that your child might have ADHD?

How old were they, and what behaviours or habits made you suspect that ADHD might be a factor?
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When she was I have it and know she has it too. She's now 5 1/2 years old. I was right!

I suspected and 4months. Nursery suspected at 2 years. The speach therapist and health visitor also suspects it. She is now 3 and we are now waiting for a peadreatric appointment. Things like hyperactivity, unable to focus, not always looking at person who is speaking to her, hyper focused on certain things, sensory needs, speach delay, paying alongside and not WITH kids, no sense of danger, constantly climbing up on things and so much more.

@Ghitta you have just described my soon to be 4 year old! We are also waiting on a paediatric appointment but have been told it might not be for a year! So good to know you aren't alone xx

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