I hope you found help & are doing better 🫶🏽
I had a meeting the other day with deputy head of midwifery and lead obstetric consultant and they both agreed I should never have been discharged I was home for 2 days back in hospital for 4-5 they delivered me later than they should have and the SHO who told me PP preeclampsia doesn’t exist and that you’re cured soon as the placenta is out shouldn’t have said that xx you still have preeclampsia for a few days/ weeks after it’s all still settling! Xx
I had a cat 1 emergency c-section at 35+6 weeks after my BP reached 210/200 and I was seizing but guess what the doctors can’t agree on if I had seizures or not my family know and say I did and so do a few doctors xx
That is so scary. Way to be a bad ass & continue to advocate after. 🫶🏽 how are you feeling now? I am 7 months pp & still on medication but am finally feeling better.
@Tanea my GP took me off my BP meds too soon and now new GP won’t see me to test my BP unless I don’t have a migraine defeats the purpose seeing my BP triggers migraines 🫠 I discussed this at a meeting I had not too long ago and the consultant and deputy head midwife agreed I need to go back! Xx it’s not been the smoothest recovery I ended up with a DVT AND PE! I stopped my blood thinners injections after only 3 weeks and yet developed those way too quick for after stopping the injections! Xx I hope your recovery hasn’t been too bad! Xx ❤️🩹
❤️🩹 I hope your recovery improves & you are given the appropriate care & recourses to recover. BP stuff is crazy, I am so sorry! I got my meds adjusted again (I also got told to stop taking my meds too early by my obgyn) by my GP 5 month pp, it made a judge difference. Keep pushing to get the care you need, you know your body. I am so sorry you have to fight for proper care !!
I had PP preeclampsia! I had to be on medication for 6 weeks. I’m sorry doctors aren’t taking you seriously :/ hopefully you can find someone who believes you and respects you as a professional
🙋🏽♀️ I was readmitted 6 days pp with postpartum preeclampsia. My BP was 175/122. I got my BP medication adjusted & stayed over night for observation, I never developed any other symptoms besides BP so I didn’t get put back on mag. I had a C-section at 38weeks & was on a mag drip for 4 1/2 days