What were the signs and symptoms of CMPA in your LO please if you don't mind me asking? Asking as trying to figure out if that's what my son has. Thanks
@Mel thanks how do you sterilise your nuby? X
@Nicole hiya I wrote this down before hand to tell the dr - - constipation followed by loose stools - seems uncomfortable, especially of an evening, constant straining, bringing legs up and can’t be settled. - lots of passing wind/struggles to do this though/ foul smelling - arching back whilst feeding / screws up face - tries to gulp down bottle whilst also pushing it away due to straining at the same time crying like he can’t get it - congested but no cold - tense belly - hard to burp / lots of hiccups - groans loudly whilst trying to pass wind - can’t lay flat on back in evenings - dry skin around forehead/eyebrow area -puffy eyes ⁃ milk possets / milk coming / seeping out after burping /feeding ⁃ Throat has sounded a bit horse ⁃ Sneezing ⁃ Not a sicky baby but starting to be sicky a bit more and fussy with feed
I have a Nuby and I use it just the way where you put all the milk in the nuby and then sterlise it. The hot shot method confuses me because I never know how much is enough lol x
@Danielle thanks, how do you sterilise it? Xx
If your just using boiled water it doesn’t need to be sterilised, but I do have the nuby uv steriliser, so if I did put the milk in it I would wash it and then sterilise it in that x
I have a UV steriliser, I have a few flasks so I can rotate through out the day and night x
I do the hot shot method, I put 30 mls of boiled water in the mam bottle and then add the formula, swirl it around, then put the remaining amount needed in the Nuby x