@Lauren what if he gets to 6mo and doesn’t sit unassisted? Do I wait until he does that or wean because he’s 6m?
You don't have to wean at 6m if they're not ready...not all babies will be ready so maybe focus on practicing sitting with him so he becomes more stable? My little boy is 6m Christmas day but I'll only give him food if he's fully ready
My baby has only just learnt to sit unassisted at 8 months 😒
@Ellie did you wean before this or wait for this skill?
Babies don’t need to be sitting unassisted. If they can sit in a chair supported but have good head control and is showing readiness then go for it. Some babies don’t sit unassisted until 9 months so absolutely no need to wait for this. We started weaning at 5 months as she was ready and HV gave go ahead. She had good head control and did not sit up alone.
@Andreia yes he has great head control. I think I might wait a week or two longer as I want to ensure his digestive system is ready xx
I weaned before. He was 5 months. We started with purées. He was like a little bird opening his mouth for more food 😂 I'm now doing baby led weaning and he's loving it x
Mine is in a very similar position. He’s getting a lot better at sitting so I think I am just going to wait until he can sit unassisted as I don’t think it will be long
Babies do not need to sit completely unassisted before weaning. Some babies (including my oldest) don’t sit until 8 months + It’s more that their digestive system isn’t developed until around 6 months, but ultimately if you feel your baby is ready than it’s your choice, you know best!🤍
6 months is the recommendation because their gut is fully matured. It’s not advised before due to an increase of causing allergies and intolerances. But also it doesn’t have to be 6 months and on the day start weaning. My first we started around 7m because he just wasn’t interested. Probably going to do the same with this baby x
I believe that sitting unassisted is something they have to be able to do! My boy shows all these signs too but is still slightly wobbly when sitting so I'm following guidance and waiting till 6 months