@Michaela potentially, is that a thing? 😭 we’ve never experienced it with her other two teeth
I've read it can be but I've not experienced it (mines is a great eater but horrendous sleeper) every baby is different but ours has 4 top and 4 bottom teeth and signs of molars. Xxx
Toddlers do go through phases sadly. They can go through weeks of not enjoying food and next thing love it again . My LO is not the best eater anyway but he has some horrific weeks of being incredibly fussy then some when he’s inhaling everything. My HV said to see if they have a “safe food” that they usually will always eat and offer that alongside some different options but try not to get frustrated I know it’s hard. Just keep mealtimes fun and LO will enjoy again
Im going through the exact same with my 14 month old boy! I’m not sure why he’s doing it at all the only thing I can get him to eat now is blueberries and raspberries, I’m just hoping it’s a phase and I’m still going to continue offering him full meals 3 times a day even if he’s not eating it xx
Yeah mine will spit food out I think that means he’s full. Or it can. It is super frustrating. It gets less so though you just do your job of feeding them properly and they’ll either need it or not but that’s up to them.
This can be to do with teething?