What are your little ones eating?

So my son was 1 this week and we’re gradually trying to get him to eat more food but he just isn’t interested and I’m getting worried he’s not eating enough. He’ll have a small bowl of banana porridge in the morning and then it’s a battle to get real food in him. He’ll snack on fruit, sausage rolls and bread but it’s so hard to get him to eat actual food even pouches! And it takes about 45 mins to eat a sausage roll so he’s not actually eating much quantity of food. He just turns his head away and pushes the spoon away/throws the food on the floor. Are your little ones eating 3 full meals a day?
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How much milk are you offering him? I've breastfed my son since birth but he has always been fine taking bottles of expressed milk until he got to about 9 months and just started flat out refusing them out of nowhere. I went back to work at 10 months and we managed to get him to a place where he would have some water during the day out of a sippy cup but he basically refuses milk unless it's from the boob. So since I'm working it means he only gets milk morning and evening (plus an overnight feed or two as needed). But basically what I'm saying is because he reduced his milk intake quite a bit over the last few months, his solid food intake has really ramped up and he eats tonnes now. I sometimes wonder where he puts it all as he manages to eat an adult size bowl of yogurt every day for breakfast lol. Maybe try reducing milk at some feeds and hopefully the solid intake will increase?

He was drinking so much milk before So we’ve started to reduce his milk intake so that he’ll eat more but he just doesn’t seem that interested even when we’re reducing his milk. I wouldn’t say he’s increased his food intake since his milk decreased. He just loves his milk. He’s gone down to about 22oz per day currently split over 4 bottles, the biggest being 8oz before bed xx

But he would happily drink milk all day if he could

I guess maybe try and increase volume of milky foods like yogurt and porridge and things first and once he is taking more of those you can branch out into other things? Cheese is a good one too - my son loves the little packets of cathedral cheddar cubes. Give him those as a snack quite often!

He does love yogurt. I will try the cheese cubes thankyou. I just see these videos online of babies eating a whole balanced meal 3x a day and just feel crap cos my boy won’t even entertain the idea

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