Oh wow i didnt know that existed! Im definitely going to have to try that!
same same same !! I tried the thumb cuffs/gloves &nail polish but each time she had a freak out moment and i felt bad making her super anxious! I’m going to wait till she’s a little older and can understand a little more and can find other ways to self sooth positively.. Her dentist told me she should be ok till she gets a little older and the real worries come in as their adult teeth come in bc that’s when the shifting is more permanent &harder to fix. We got a lil time mama! lol.read up on different ways and do deep dives! atleast to get an idea of what your working with and why your baby does it.
@ShellBell 100% I sucked my thumb til I was 8, so I wasn't worried about getting my 4.5 yo to stop until after she turned 4 because she understood at that point, but I don't want her to have all the braces like I did. She's been begging to get her ears pierced so I told her she can once she stops sucking her thumb because "only big kids have their ears pierced and big girls don't suck their thumbs." She was doing pretty good at daytime, but needed the extra diversion of the bitter nail polish for night time
My 4.5 year old only recently stopped sucking her thumb because I bought bitter nail polish for kids off Amazon. SUPER effective.