My baby only eats banana at the moment and tinned fruit without added sugar - peaches and pineapple. Everything else is too sour atm and I think it tastes awful - so I can’t blame her. I wanted to try some cooked apples with cinnamon maybe she’ll like that. I think at this point sadly a lot of babies get fussy with food and I definitely find this is a case with us. She loves her beige food
My lad only eats strawberries won’t give anything else a try n with veg will only eat peas & sweetcorn x
What about baking or steaming some? Cooked apples get significantly softer and might be preferred, and you could try mixing some in with porridge or yoghurt? Keep offering it raw as it's good exposure and you never know when they will try it and like it again, but there's no reason they have to like it raw right now. Fruit is often unpredictable to baby and toddler taste buds - sometimes sweet or tart, sometimes crisp or soft or even mushy. Even adults have preferences about the colour of the bananas they like, so it's to be expected babies will too. I recommend following Kids Eat in Color (on Facebook and Instagram) and FeedingLittles (on IG) as they explain it really well and have great advice on dealing with new and picky eaters xx