I had my little boy having bottles of milk throughout the day and it was filling him up at home and he wasn’t eating food properly but nursery would report that he would eat all his meals but then I found out that they weren’t really giving his bottles and when I spoke to health visitor regarding his eating, she said it was down to how much milk he was consuming and that he’s filling himself on milk and then not helping him to be hungry for food. Not sure if this is the same situation but I cut my little boys bottle of milk down to just before bed and his appetite for food has really improved x
My older toddler (almost 3) is really similar. Always has been. I keep the same schedule at home as they do at nursery, but she snacks less and eats less at home. Peer influence is such a thing for her, it's the same with naps she naps better there too!
Same here! Eats perfect for his childminder but literally picks at bits here!
Same with us, I think it’s partly down to seeing kids his age also eating!
Pretty much the same here...although my girl barely eats any lunch at nursery either 😐