They check baby over and measure their head circumference, abdominal circumference and femur length. They then use these measurements to get you an estimated weight of baby. During scan they will also check blood flow through the umbilical cord to baby. All my growth scans never last more than 10 minutes and they’ll tell you then and there baby’s weight and a midwife will plot it on your growth chart. Depending on results midwife may recommend further scans to keep track of baby or they may be happy with the one off. I am having 3 weekly scans currently due to baby being on the smaller side. I think of it as extra chance to check in on him and don’t see them as a a negative 😊
I've had extra growth scans throughout due to my bmi It'll be very similar to your 20 week anomaly scan where they do an ultrasound of baby and just do some measurements of baby, placenta, and amniotic fluid. Usually lasts 15-20 minutes depending how easy it is for them to get clear images of baby It might be your midwife coulsnt accurately track baby from your tummy now hence the growth scan, as you day this could just be some tummy weight, big baby, or amniotic fluid. Scan sizes aren't always accurate as depends on babies position etc. For clarify
Same thing happened to me and went for a scan and apparently baby is measuring big still so another scan in 3 weeks. Baby all in proportion just big but expected really as me and my partner are both tall and both are mums had big babies. Again only have a bump at the front, no weight anywhere else so it’s all baby x
With my daughter I was sent for a growth scan at 35 weeks and was told she was measuring big and would be a big baby She was born 6lb 4oz Just thought you should know even ultrasounds aren't that accurate either x
It doesn’t really mean anything other than a big baby - they will just talk you through your options for labour as obviously they may recommend a c section if on the larger side
I am 36+1 weeks today and I had my midwife app on Thursday. I was measuring 41 weeks! I don’t believe it? I also have only gained round my belly. I am waiting for the hospital to ring me for a growth scan next week. Midwife said the scan will be more accurate as they’ll be able to measure weight etc Xx