A reading journal.
gonna do a painting probably LOL she doesn’t like me spending money on anything but bills & baby.
A dress
I'm getting mine a necklace with an engraving of my baby's finger print. Except it's actually his toe print because his finger prints aren't developed enough to get a good one 😂
My answer is petty so I rather not 🥴☺️
She’s asked for tote gloves and an Amazon vouches. I’ve also done her a stocking and plan to make her some scones. My kids are gifting their school photo.
Necklace. She’s the hardest woman to buy for, but let slip in a convo a couple of months ago she’d like a new necklace so that’s what I’ve got 😄
I got mine a tumbler with all her grandkids names on it
Mil has some earrings, my mum has pjs, makeup, & other self care bits x
Personalised notebook with pics of us and her with my LO and a netflix gift card as I felt like she only comes over to watch my netflix and claims she cannot afford it but spends way more per month on my LO stuff which is second hand is broken and he doesn't need 😅
Some photos in a frame of my little one
Theatre tickets for me and her.
Shadow work journal
MIL tickets to ballet with her sister
Self care stuff