If you don’t want to wean him then don’t. Watching you eat and trying to grab it isn’t a sign anyway. If hes hungry give him more milk
If he’s hungry give him more milk. Why are you rationing his bottles at 5 mths?
@Kyrie that’s great to know!! Yeah it’s a lot, I don’t want to over fill his belly with milk, but thank you that’s gave me some more confidence xx
@Francesca I’m not ‘rationing milk’ I’ve just added an edit to the post in hope that it clears it up, he’s not still hungry he goes to bed after the 4th bottle and sometimes it’s just too early for him to go to bed
When does he have his bottles?
@Chelsie every 4-5 hours, he’s not hungry after his last bottle hes just ready for his bed
Could you not try to give smaller bottles more often? So give 8oz x 5 a day instead of 4 x 10oz? Apparently there’s no nutritional value in giving baby porridge or rice, when weaning it’s best to start on veggies and it’s for taste rather than to fill them up so I would try and change your milk schedule instead to make sure he’s not hungry x
@Sally thank you! Yeah I definitely could try that, he ended up with only 4 bottles a day pretty early (through his own choice) and because he was drinking every bottle dry the hv said to put him up to 10oz. I honestly havnt looked that much into the weaning I just thought because it was similar to what’s in his milk but thank you x
@Danielle it’s so hard isn’t it to try and know what to do, would be a lot easier if they came with instruction manuals 😂 but if he’s not having his bottles at the same time each day so that it works out around bedtime then I would just try and have a play around with the amounts and times that he has his bottles and see how you go on x
@Sally it would be so good if they did 😂 yeah I definitely will give it a try thank you so much for your help x
I’ve just seen your edit. You sound abit similar to us I try to stick to the same bottle times every day (so that way your last bottle before bed wouldn’t end up being 4) We try to stick around 7/8am, 11/12, 3/4 and last bottle is just always given before bed so will be 7/8 depending on how tired he is and when his last nap is. He wakes at different times every day so can be 5am - 7am. If he does wake early 5-6 and I can’t settle him back down to sleep and he wants a bottle, I give it to him. But then I’ll still give him his next bottle around 8am to stick to our routine. He may drink less because he’s not as hungry as he’s had one earlier but we’re still in our routine
@Chelsie that’s great thank you! That would help us get in a good routine aswell,as I’m actually unsure when to start routines like that, that sounds like a good way to start it! Thank you so much x
I weaning my LG at 5 months as she was showing all the signs you have described which I told my HV about and she gave us the go ahead to wean. She was on purées and now at 6+ months she’s doing both puree and BLW. She absolutely LOVES food and eats really well. If you feel like you want to start weaning your baby, from what you have described he seems ready and happy to continue. We breastfeed so have no advice of bottle feeding. Hope you find a solution that works x
Could you reduce the amount of ounces but increase the amount of bottles? So rather than 4 x 10oz bottles offer him 5 x 9oz and see whether that makes a difference?
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@Andreia that’s great to know that she’s doing well with BLW!! My LB seems to love food as well, he’s trying to grab the porridge out the spoon when I’m feeding him lol, I think I’m going to ask my hv for a chat about it as well, thank you so much x
@Ellie yeah I definitely could thank you !!he’s just put himself in this routine and has been like this for a while now but definitely worth a try x
I think this is an easy fix :) I would intro a bedtime bottle to fill him up over night :)
@Danielle I do a combination of both x
I started feeding my baby purées and oatmeal at 5 months once a day he’s almost 7 months and eat once to twice a day depending on his sleeping schedule and bottles…40oz is a lot for a 5 month old 😳 my baby still drinks 4-6 Oz 4-6 times a day