thank you Yasmin, I'm not a fan of this phase
We're having the same issue at the moment, it's so overwhelming 😞 All I did earlier was go upstairs to grab the hoover and she screamed like she was in pain, I was gone all of 30 seconds. Hoping this phase doesn't last long 😞
Currently in this phase and have been for a while now it’s so draining!
tell me about it, I'm hoping the lo will be ok at nursery today I'm looking forward to geting rid of the ironing pile lol.. I'm very ocd so it's annoying waiting for my husband to get home just so I get stuff done around the house.
Very normal it’s separation anxiety manifesting. Spend lots of quality time with them, play games such as peekaboo. When you leave the room say bye bye and make it into a game. It’s a hard phase but it passes x