Back to not wanting milk again

My LO had a really bad cold a few weeks ago which massively effected her bottle taking to the point of having very little. Once she was better it improved but has never gone back to what it was, and now we are back to her not wanting much milk again. I can hear her belly growling, will offer the bottle and she will take less than 2ozs, and those were a struggle to get into her. She just doesn’t seem interested in feeding at all, and it is stressing me out. Not to mention the amount of formula I am wasting.
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We’re going through the same, minus having the cold. But my little one is 15 weeks and just so uninterested in feeding. She screams her head off for the bottle and then after she’s ‘took the edge off’ she just wants to look around instead. My mum said that she remembers going through the same with me around this age and she said it’s because before now their world has been solely about feeding, but now they’re getting more aware of the world and starting to interact with people and toys etc they just get so fed up with feeding and want to do other things instead. What we are doing is increased teat size so she’s feeding for less time but taking a bit more, and making sure she’s in room with no distractions. It’s stressing me out too cause she’s never been a good feeder anyway but this is next level🫠 x

I have no help but to say we are going through the same thing. I've changed her teat size and it's still not worked. Dream feeds at night seem to be okay and I'm upping her intake at night which she's finished both bottles last night but otherwise she just fights it and is completely uninterested! We are throwing out about 1/2 to 3/4 of a bottle of formula each feed which is far from ideal!

Try sizing up the bottle nipple or replacing them (if it’s been 2 months using the same nipples). Also look into bottle aversion - Rowena Bennett wrote a book on it

I’m also going through the same with my lo, soo worried

I would suggest going into somewhere that’s extremely unstimulating. No bright colours or noise, no toys. Just the baby, you and the bottle. So they don’t become distracted

Definitely change if environment. My little one has gone to less boob time and if I offer a bottle instead still hardly takes any and grazes. She is getting more distracted too so a quieter room where no one will walk in x

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