@Rachel did not know u could get a 9+ x
What’s monjaro? Xx
@Stacey slimming injection
I would day you are 5- 6 weeks pregnant. Never heard of any tests that say you are 9 weeks? If I was you I would stop mounjaro immediately and speak to your GP about it not much I'd known about the effects of mounjaro on an unborn baby xxx
I haven't took Mounjaro since , I took a test before I started it just to be safe and that was 3 weeks ago so I'm abit shocked how it's now saying 2-3 so it must just be 2 or 3 weeks ? It is known to stop contraceptive pull x
2-3 means 2 to 3 weeks, I think. My test said 9+ when I took it, which I took to mean just over 9 weeks.