Not eating as much

anyone else’s 2 month old not eat nearly as much as google says to? Google says 24oz but mine will only eat maybe 15oz a day…
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My girls 6 weeks and I mostly feed her from the tap but I feel like she isn't eating as much as other people's babies either, every baby is different though

my baby eat about 23 oz a day, doctor said it’s normal! as long he is gaining weight and having wet diapers!

I wouldn’t worry until you don’t see a bowel movement or a pee diaper. I would also bring it up with the babies pediatrician because every baby is different

I was so obsessed w the amount of drinking and pooping but since our pediatrician said the important thing is to gained weight, I stopped to be that strict and worry cause my baby is healthy

Do you know if your baby has acid reflux? My baby doesn’t each much and his doctor said it’s due to the reflux. Once we got him on a medication he started to eat more.

@Kayda he doesn’t really spit up… but maybe he has silent reflux? I’m not sure. What does your baby have and what are the symptoms ?

I was afraid when my baby wasn’t following the norm either. We tried forcing him to eat more often and he would refuse and it impacted his weight gain. We finally decided to follow him and his cues and he’s gained the weight and eats plenty now. We’re 7 weeks old

My baby eats 3-4 ounces per feed, so he isn’t much of a eater either like I hear about other babies.

@Jasmine my baby has silent reflux. The biggest symptoms he has are that he’ll make this gagging noise after eating and will have a cough like he’s trying to get something out. If your baby is gaining weight appropriately though I wouldn’t worry too much, all the stuff they put out is mostly just guidelines all baby’s are different.

@Kayda is he an active sleeper? Or look like he is? Maybe mine has silent reflux hmmm

@Jasmine yes he’s extremely active in his sleep, he is constantly moving and turning. Some nights he doesn’t sleep well at all due to the reflux and will be up every 20-30 minutes.

@Kayda ughhh maybe my baby has it. I was thinking the whole time he’s just an active sleeper. It’s not allllll the time that he’s active sleeping. But maybe it is reflux… does he wake up all the way? Has the medication helped?

@Jasmine it depends sometimes he’ll just be moving around a ton and be able to go back to sleep. on nights where it was really bad he’d wakeup crying a lot and as soon as I got him not flat on his back he’d stop. Medication has helped him a ton, he’s a lot happier in general, eats more, and can typically sleep for longer periods without waking up.

@Kayda which medication is he on? What kind of formula? Or is it breastmilk?

@Jasmine he takes a liquid version of Pepcid everyday. He’s on nutramigen which is a fairly expensive formula but originally his doctor suggested similac alimentum which I think is similar my son just refused that one for some reason so we went with the other.

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