@Melissa I’ve been back for over a year now - I left my toxic workplace and even started somewhere new and although the people are great, I just feel so confused by why I’m feeling lack of motivation. I guess just thinking of work as JUST a ways to make money and that’s it might be the best way forward. I just miss feeling fulfilled in what I do and want to advance in my career. I hope things go easy for you returning back to work after mat leave, the first few months can be challenging/difficult but you and LO will eventually find your feet and new routine. Praying it all goes well for you x
Give yourself some time! It will come back. Can you consider part time in the mean time? It may help take pressure off. I actually feel more imposter syndrome on days I'm home and feel a ton of mum guilt for enjoying my work day but it took from May to October for me to properly look forward to it
I mean if you weigh it on a scale One side- work Other side- nurturing and being around all the time to see your beautiful lil one hit all their mile stones and put that joy in your heart that nothing else could…. Of course it’s different. I love my work and am very career driven but if I had to choose, either one or the other, I’d choose staying home with bubs all the time. I’m grateful to have been able to go back just part time mainly when he’s in nursery and when he will go in full time, I will increase my hours… if you can pace yourself… you can always make more money, can’t get these moments back xx
Same! Was so career driven and now just want to be with my baby! My mat leave is so short and causing me so much grief at thought of going back but can’t afford so much unpaid leave. It’s normal hun, we love our babies. Give yourself time. I’m only career driven now to bring more money home for my family, no other reason! I feel I’ll struggle to find joy in it when I go back 😭