No, she has her breakfast at 8am at nursery. I match the nursery meal and snack times, so she'll eat at 8am at home too. We dropped her morning bottle several months back. She eats a LOT at breakfast. They always offer more at mealtimes if the children are still hungry. They don't go without.
Mine starts nursery at 9am and I always give him a 'heavy' home cooked porridge for breakfast. If ai read the aigns and know he will play with the food or just have a few mouthfulls I give him wheetabix and a banana or some other fruit if he takes it then I give him a bit of milk before dropping him off if he didnt seem to eat well or has been unwell and lost his appetite. Then again nursery have lunch at 11:30am and his food intake is hit and miss when he is there.
My daughter is up so early that she'll have breakfast at home & then, she'll have breakfast when she's at nursery.
My little boy starts nursery at 7 and has breakfast there.. I guess it depends what time they start and how long they’re awake before they go?
No, if he seems hungry or is up earlier than usual I may offer a bit of milk though
Mine has his breastfeed then I always offer him a banana, then he’ll have his breakfast in nursery, which he loves.