My husband stayed the whole time at St Thomas’ Westminster. I had a section and they looked after him too, fed him, gave him a cushion and blanket to sleep in the chair. I’m having baby 2 on Wednesday and he’s allowed to stay again xx
@Alex this isnt the general rule in a lot of uk hospitals
Mine are teenagers now but dad was not allowed to stay after birth. I remember that first night as quite traumatic as baby was only a few hours old and I was completely lost. :( for my second I gave birth early morning so I went home on the same day!
My partner stayed the whole week with my 1st and that was at St Mary's Hospital and then my 2nd was at Queen Charlotte's and he also was allowed to stay over. Having my 3rd at QC and ita the same rule 5 years later. Which hospital are you at?
It depends whether the hospital has shared wards (where new mums only can stay, no males) or private rooms for after birth. Im choosing a hospital where you have a private room the whole time specifically, but most of of the other hospitals near me have shared wards only.
@Natalie I am at Croydon university hospital which allows birth partners, last was St George’s which also allowed them. My friend gave birth in a hospital in Staines but I can’t recall the name
My hospital allows dads all the time while in delivery suite but only 8am-10pm whilst on ward. Whether you are pre or post delivery they must leave overnight
South Wales RCT area and partner was only allowed from 8 in the morning till 8 at night, then visitors were allowed for 2 hours twice a day but I can't remember what times they were
Most hospital I know or viewed north east uk & south east uk have rules 8-8 unless in labour. Some birthing centres allow 24/7. X
Ive given birth in two hospitals - Epsom (part of South London Hospitals) and Worthing (part of Sussex Care Partnership) I know of people who have given birth at Kingston, St Helier's, Brighton and Chichester. None were allowed partners to stay past 10pm. The way it was explained to me, was that if you are on the ward, usually with 6 new mums + newborns, A, there is no room for dads to stay over night, but mainly B, its a safeguarding issue. And i have to agree.
The only exceptions to those rules, would be if baby had only arrived within a few hours of the 10pm chuck out time, or mother was in a state where she really couldn't be left alone, which was my case with my first. I had had an emergency c-section in the morning, after 3 days in labour. I was absolutely out of it. Barely knew which way was up. I was not able to look after myself, let alone a newborn. Mentally and physically i was not in a good state, so my OH was allowed to stay the first two nights. I sent him home on the third night but ended him calling him at 3am begging him to come back, i just couldn't do what my baby needed in that moment. So there is some wiggle room, but as far as i am aware, in London and the South East, its a general no to dad's staying over.
Incognito, i have a feeling Croydon/St Helier's/Kingston/Epsom all fall under the same trust, so i think you would have the same rules i did. I know it might seem unfair right now, but in hindsight and being about to go for baby #3, i do understand why. As a woman, who has just given birth, either vaginally or not, you are in a vulnerable position and you don't want men you do not know hanging around you or your newborn at night, especially if you are trying to sleep.
My partner was able to stay the whole time with me after my LG was born in 2023, we were in hospital for 4 days and all partners were able to stay on the ward at all times. The only rules were around visiting hours for other family, siblings could come and go at any time. This was Coventry and will be the same this time round x
I know, I was saying what happens at my hospital as per the question, that’s why I said I know some where they can’t though. They don’t feed the dads etc and they have a chair but they’re allowed to stay x
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Also mine is south east, but the hospital don’t allow other visitors except your other children when you are on ward. But that’s fine by me!! I would have struggled without my partner being there for sure!
The best thing to do is ask your hospital or midwife. I wasn’t sure, so I asked and my partner is allowed to stay overnight with me. I’m having a C-section though, so I don’t know if this is any different for those having vaginal births x
Broomfield hospital in Chelmsford doesn't allow it. They say it's so mums can "rest" but this is absolutely laughable to me. My husband had to leave soon after my emergency c section, I had sepsis, couldn't sit up on my own and had to press the button for the midwives every single time I needed to feed the baby or put her back down, they'd take ages and I'd sit and cry on agony and hopelessness. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't move myself so felt useless and like the worst mum in the world. It felt inhumane and I can't understand how it helped me get "more rest" as my husband could have helped pass her and hold her and help me get up and get mobile as the tiny (lovely) midwife assistant tried to get me up when I said I was willing bit she couldn't and half my insides came out. It's awful and I dont agree with the policy. It even applied when on my 2nd and 3rd nights I was moved into my own room, I think this is a big factor as to why I struggled with bonding and feeding initially. 2nd due in 3 weeks...
Dads can stay after birth if mum and baby haven’t been discharged yet. I know some where they can’t though x