Tell them to shut the fuck up and don’t let them back around you or your baby.
That’s an incredibly nasty thing to say to anyone let alone a relative. I can imagine you’re really upset and probably don’t want to be around them which is fair enough! I would try not to let them get a rise out of you but I’d also avoid them if possible and not let them near your baby
Thank you girls, if they were distant family members I wouldn't care as much, but it is my mother and grandmother
I'm petty so don't actually do what I'm saying but I'm a big don't do to others what you don't want done to yourself so I'd find baby books/photos of them (mum and grandmum) as a baby and laugh and say how ugly they were as kids and how THEY have passed this down genetically watch them call you mean and nasty, call them hypocrites and part with don't do to others what you don't want done to yourself, I will ALWAYS defend my child and you should be defending your grandchild, shame on you.
Tell them to fuck off and key their car😂
Aww I'm sorry that is so mean (and I bet not true!!!). That would really upset me too. You could always say oh yeah they take after you don't you think?
No you are not being a dramatic mama, fuck them. I know your baby is beautiful.
won’t solve anything but i would just insult them back, would make me feel better to do so. if that doesn’t help, as @Draya said, key their car 🤣 in terms of how you’re feeling, i’d be mad, maybe more on the principe than the actual comment itself - don’t insult someone who can’t defend themselves. your baby is beautiful x
I never would tell people that even if I thought the baby was actually ugly. That's just so rude. I would tell them how disappointed you are, your feelings are valid!
to say it unaided and uninvited is crazy. grown up people commenting on an infant is never ok!
@Draya hahaa this made me laugh, great suggestion!
@Hannah this is what hurt me the most, I felt my baby was being bullied and wasn't able to defend herself, I was in shock so didn't react as much as I'd have liked to at the time
Ouch your mum & grandma…? That really hurts. Do you feel like you can talk to them now and tell them how much it hurt you and ask they don’t say things like that again if they want to spend time with their great/grandbaby?
@Kathryn I tried speaking to my mum she just says again that she's not a pretty baby but she's beautiful to her... so I'm still getting the message that she doesn't think she's pretty or doesn't think other people would think she's pretty
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What a fucked up thing to say. I’m so sorry, every baby is beautiful! Plus I agree with Danielle! 😂
I would ask them what gives them the right to call what beautiful is and why they feel entitled to say their horrible opinions? I would say that they should thank you for not saying half the things you are thinking and that in your opinion your baby is the most beautiful person ever. Babies are perfect - they are innocent and beautiful, and if only the world was kinder then they would grow up believing that.
@Julia good idea, thank you.. so beautifully said ❤️
That’s so very nasty I could not imagine saying this about any baby let alone someone so close to you saying this. This is disgusting I cannot believe a mother and grandma would say this . I’m so sorry you’ve had to experience this❤️☹️
@Alicia thank you ❤️ your words mean a lot xx
Just say them them that even if it’s true baby still has time to get better but they lost their chances long time ago!