
Has anybody else's relationship changed for the worse since having a baby?
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Mine hasn't, we've been lucky so far, but I think it's really normal for it to, having a baby is a massive life event and all your energy is consumed by your little one! I think it takes a conscious effort to have some time for the two of you, and hopefully you can make time for you guys again as time goes on. Equally helps when both partners pitch in a similar amount so there's no resentment etc

Yes 100%! Constantly thinking I wish I knew what kind of partner husband would be before having babies!

Ours did for probably the first year with my daughter. A lot of nagging and fighting about pulling his weight and now he’s made a huge turn around. Don’t get me wrong, there’s still things I hate and that wind me up but we’ve come a long way!

As I broke up with mine last night it certainly has 😂

Mine changed when I was pregnant, we broke up when I found out we were expecting, not together now and little one is 15 weeks old

The 1st year and a half were rough for my Husband and I. But with a lot of hard work on both sides, and us both wanting the best for our family/ourselves...we git through it. No walk in the park, but it is possible as long as both parties are 1000% in to make it work.

Yes, definitely and I am sick of it!

100% he thinks it's fair to spend most of his evenings with his mother and in pub with his brothers. I speak to him about it and I'm a d**k, he's entitled to a life apparently. I'm leaving him today

Yes!!! And don't know how to go about it??

Mine hasn’t, but working in Maternity I see the moment some relationships changes is at the very moment the baby is born, the partners become jealous of the baby and the attention they get. And sometimes it’s to do with sex and they frustrated because it’s been however long because their partner pregnant and wasn’t comfortable or wanting to take risks, and then been told no sex for the first 6-8 weeks.

@Fran oh no 😟, sorry to hear that and at such a special time for you. If it’s fixable great and if not just remember no stress.

@Michelle same

Thanks girls for sharing, I'm really struggling atm

I read this somewhere from a woman experiencing this which I think makes sense!- ‘don’t make a decision on your relationship during the first 2 years of your child’s life’. It’s the hardest and can make or break. Communication and managing expectations if both can work at it. Obviously that’s only relevant for those that aren’t quite on the same page that’s can be worked through. Saying this, don’t put up with the bad treatment or in situations where you don’t feel safe- you deserve better

we have a 3 year old. our relationship is better than ever. BUT!!!!! it absolutely went downhill when we first had our boy. the arguments were intense, and so much more often than ever before. couldn’t stand him at times. but i spoke to people about it and came to realise that that is totally normal when you first have a kid. it lasted a little while, like maybe a year/year and a half, but we found our groove. we were just both extremely tired, with little to no space or time to ourselves, babies are intense and it just changes people. we’re expecting number 2 and i’m hopeful this time round. parenting is a huge change in anyone’s lives and you’re bound to go downhill in your relationship but i’m here to tell you it WILL get better! just keep fighting for one another and getting through the hard times and you’ll come out the other side ❤️

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It was super hard during the first days everybody’s sleep deprived, it’s hard figuring out your routine and you’ll probably have moments where you can’t stand your partner but ours got better after probably 1-3 months when the routine kicked in a bit

Yep, then even worse with the second.

I wouldn't say it's changed for the worst, but it's definitely tested us to our limits!

It’s been straining on us for sure 😅

I thought my partner would have been more hands on… but I look back and think I wish I choose a different person to be the father of my kids. It’s sounds awful but yeah relationship has changed x

@Xena I totally get this. I feel the same about my other half x

Yes indeed. Much worse for the first 2 years at least!!! Now she is 3 our relationship is finally getting better.

@Xena this is exactly how I feel

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