That's a positive xx
It’s my birthday today too!! Xx
Definitely positive! Congratulations 🥳
Congrats and happy birthday! 🎂 🤰 No drinking for you tonight 😂 x
@Jen nope no drinking lol
How many days should I wait to take a digital test?
Well digital needs a higher HCG so maybe the day of your missed period xx
I had my first positive at 8dpo... And I'm sure I had a positive on digital at either 9dpo or 10dpo it depends on when you implanted but that looks fairly dark so I think you may get a positive result on one x
Looks positive!
Awww yes positive! So happy for you, seen many of your posts xx
@Phoebe✨ thank you… I’ve waited so long for this to happen.. x
I used these exact tests and got my positive at 10 DPO!! now 32 weeks along, I took a digital the same day and it came back positive 💕 congratulations!!
Congratulations 🎉
Looks positive. Good luck and baby dust