more willing to use it, and let her pick out her knickers, too. Anything to get them involved in the process. Sometimes we do have to be quite persistent with her or she'll refuse to put them on in the mornings etc but usually being firm and kind is enough. If they're getting distressed and screaming or crying, it can make it worse for them and put them off for longer. You can always try again if he's not ready xx
I was told by my health visitor that switching between pants and nappies can make it harder for potty training as they can get confused with what they're wearing. We've used pants the whole time, take a travel potty with us and whenever we're out, every hour or so when we're near a toilet, we try for a wee whether she's asked for it or not. I would try persisting and letting him pick his own pants. We took my daughter shopping to pick hers and then every morning she chooses which ones she wants to wear and then has always seemed more happy in them. I think with anything, consistency makes it easier for them to understand and learn
Your son is definitely old enough to be trying, though I've been told it can take boys longer to get the hang of things (not sure if this is fact though) with my girl we did a couple weeks of knickers at home and put pull ups etc on for outside. After she had gotten the hang of that fairly consistently. I started asking her if she needs a wee etc outside so before leaving Playgroup etc I would say "mummy needs a wee before we go would you like to come with me?" I'd go and then I'd offer her a turn too, after a while she would do a wee occasionally and sometimes would ask before we leave a place. We've swapped to the reusable training pants (as pull ups are just glorified Nappies really and don't help them learn/feel wet) I find training pants helpful when we're out the house as they have a 50ml catch so brilliant for stemming accidents and having less wet clothes to change. She can feel she's wet so is more aware she needs the potty. I also let her pick out a travel potty so it was exciting to her and she's