I don’t buy gifts for my brothers and sisters that have kids. I do their kids and they do my daughter.
If it's that many people I would suggest an alternative. Buy for just the kids, or maybe do something for charity. Donate in everyone's name to a food bank or animal shelter or community support. We adopted a family this year in lieu of gifts and honestly it takes so much stress off because no one really needs anything (we only have the one little kid though, and she's still getting her gifts).
Our rule is ask mum and dad what they want and then any sibling gets a token gift UNLESS they’ve had a kid. Once you’ve had kids your present allocation is now for them 🤣
I do on my side (bil, gf, nephew and mum). My oh side they did do secret Santa which was £100 per person/couple which got stupid as exchanging cheques in April. We no longer do it (plus mil and sil passed away). He only has one niece and nephew to buy for.
I only buy gifts for my niece and nephew. My sister lives with me so she gets a gift as well. But I have 4 brothers and 2 sisters. That’s too many gifts to buy lol so none of us do gifts exchanges.
We buy for all the kids (I have 5 nieces and nephews, all on my husband’s side). We buy for our parents and my siblings as well. On my husband’s side we do secret Santa for the adult siblings and spouses. So all in all we buy for 11 people not including our own immediate family.
We don’t do adults, mainly the kids. It’s optional for the adults though. There’s 8 kids total on my side (2/8 are my kids). Hubby has 2 nephews and a niece.
We just get the kids, no adults.
The adults get a small couple's gift like a calendar. The kids get 1 book per kid. Done. I don't do big gifts and I don't do lots of gifts.
Absolutely not. I buy for my parents and my siblings that’s it. I have around 35 cousins and a thousand aunts!
My 25 people include; 4total parents, 9adults &11kids. There was a year where we bought for all? A year we bought just for our parents & now this year I’m so conflicted. Thank you all for sharing!
We buy for everyone but our family isn't that big, if that was the case we'd do secret santa
I would typically buy for 26 mix of adults and kids. Last year we decided to stop buying for siblings with kids and only do the kids. That cut us down to 20 we are doing the same this year and most likely future years.
We do secret santa in our family for adults and buy for the children. Once the children grow up, they join secret santa.
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On years when my budget is tighter, I do group gifts. One thing for my sister and brother in law, one for my nephew and one for my aunt and their family. Etc.
I’ve been doing this since I was a teenager 🤣 Never ending. In the past two years, I’ve cut down, as I can’t keep it up - I think the pandemic period changed mindsets on overbuying - and I intend to continue that.
No. I had my family agree that only the kids were getting gifts. The adults decided to do a secret Santa.
We did other kids and I talked my husband into doing a secret Santa type gift exchange with his family as there are a lot of them. He used to try to buy for everyone and put way more into it than anyone else in his family so he ended up with crappy gifts and gave meaningful things to everyone else. I think that sort of thing is more functional at least with big families.
Depends on the year. If I have the extra money to get my mom, sisters and nieces and nephews gifts I do but if I don't then I only get for my kids.
No I only do kids that's what Christmas is all about. Me and my mum are saving to go on holiday next year with my daughter and that's more important than get someone a present that they might not like or need.
My husband has 30+ nieces and nephews , 13 brothers and sisters, about 20 great nieces and nephews. I have 3 brothers and sisters and 4 nephews lol so no we don’t buy for everyone. We only buy for 5 nieces and nephews because 4 we helped raise and one because he’s close to her mom which is his older sister. The other four their mom is his twin sister. I’m not close to my siblings so I don’t buy them anything lol
We’ve started just buying for each others kids now that all the siblings have kids. So much easier! If you have a family chat you can try to get everyone on board with that plan.
Not if I had that big of a family. I would be suggesting secret santa