I got a diy mug and painted her hand and foot and printed it on the mug and wrote her name on it.
Last year was her hand and footprint on a love heart, this year it's a lego mclaren for him to build 😂
I got him to scribble on a piece of paper (honeysticks giant toddler crayons 1+ and technically edible) and then also traced around his hand and did a foot print. It will do! Last year was a my first Christmas as a daddy t shirt
I'm thinking of some matching outfits for the two of them, either a shirt or a sweater
You guys are all so cute! Thanks for all the inspiration!
I've bought some old toy lightsabers from eBay as Star Wars seems to be a favourite game for them to play at the minute 😂 xx
Last year we did the sentimental stuff. This year he has pants, beer and a toddler scalectrix set (so they can play together)