***Not in nhs but need urgent advice please***
My 2 year old has been having soft but still solid poo that is brown but also got really dark green or black spots going through it, should I be concerned??
Don’t know if it’s related or not but my mums just told me they’ve been giving him raw cows milk straight from the cow for a while now, done some unadvisable doctor googling and saw that raw cows milk isn’t good for children?
I cannot get a doctors appointment for 2 weeks to speak to anyone so I’ve come here for help, any doctors willing to give advice please??
I don't believe black in stool is a good sign, I would get them checked, perhaps having an internal reaction to the raw cows milk? Can you take child to emerg or a walk in clinic in the meantime to ask a Doctor? I'd take photos of the stool to show the Doctor as well.