Positive pregnancy test 3 months PP

Looking to find some comfort and hope. I took a test yesterday and it was positive. I am 3 months postpartum and I feel very overwhelmed, embarrassed, ashamed, depressed, guilty, no where inside do I currently feel excited for another one so soon. Please tell me this gets better. Please tell that I will come around. Right now, I see no light and my mom guilt is crumbling me.
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Why do you feel ashamed and embarrassed? I got pregnant 8 weeks pp, and honestly i debated on not keeping it, I still am tbh. Irish twins are a lot and if you weren’t going for them it can be an added stress. i’m 8 weeks pregnant rn, and I have an ultrasound on Saturday and I’m a little excited, when I was 5 weeks I had an ultrasound to see where the gestation sac landed (bc i had an IUD for four days) and i felt a twinge of excitement. The more I sit with the idea, the more excited and happy I get and maybe that’ll be the case for you too :) It’s okay to feel overwhelmed, babies are a lot and you have a baby right now lol.

I was embarrassed and ashamed too& I was 3 months pp when I found out too. It was a hard pregnancy honestly and I felt guilty that I couldn’t be super active with my son but seeing them together now and imagining how close they’ll be growing up, I wouldn’t change a thing. My daughter is 4 months now and my son is 14 months. It’s still hard but I know it’ll get easier when they’re a little bit more at the same level of activity. We have a lot of my family around for help and that helps sooo much but just consider your situation and do what’s best for you… don’t put yourself down. There’s so many positive sides to having them so close

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