Hi, I work in a GP surgery as a pharmacy technician and I have control over the prescribing of prescription formula. It does depend on area unfortunately as the guidelines do differ but for your area I’ve just looked up the guidelines and it is 7 tins they are advised to prescribe. How often is he feeding? Does he drain all 7oz or does he leave anything in the bottle?
@Elena He has a bottle every 3/4 hours and he mostly drinks the whole 7 ounces . We have tried to go up to 8 ounces to see if we could stretch longer between feeds but he will only drink 7 . Any recommendations on what we should do ? He suffers with really bad reflux so he brings most of the bottles up so i think this might play a role in him wanting a bottle every 3 hours
@Sarah🌼 I wish i could give him milk when he wants it but the formula will run out and they won’t give us more 😞
@jayden I agree that if he’s throwing it up that’s probs why he wants it so often! Does he cry for it and give cues or are you kind of just giving it? I would suggest speaking to the surgery and explaining all of this to them, if someone came to me and said this i would 100% give them more. In my area you can actually have between 7-13 tins at his age but I like I said each area has different guidelines which is stupid x
@Elena He SCREAMS for it 🤣 I even try giving him some food to see if that takes the hunger away but he still just wants milk . Maybe i’ll try giving them a call and explaining with his reflux he may need more
@jayden 100% call them and explain x
I get 12 cans of Aptamil Pepti 1 prescribed a month. She will feed up to 8 times a day - anything from a small 2.5oz to a 7oz bottle. The can says she should be on four bottles a day but that’s just not happening right now and that’s ok. I’m working with what my daughter wants and not what manufacturers say she should have. If I waste some formula because she wants to snack and not fully feed then it’s not the end of the world. Follow your baby, not the guidelines :)