So pissed off šŸ˜”

My bf just came back from his mums with our daughter. I asked if she finished her milk while they were there and he said thereā€™s still some left but I wouldnā€™t give it to her as we diluted it with cold water as she was desperate for it at the time. I said wtf youā€™re not suppose to dilute formula or vice versa - add extra powder to required milk. He said why not.. So Iā€™m like wait how do you normally make our daughters milk? He said he just adds powder and mixes with water. So Im like WHAT you donā€™t measure or anything. He said no you just gauge it everyone does that. He has a daughter from a previous so I thought this man knew wtf he was doing. He said heā€™s been doing that to all our daughters milk and she still drinks it. I feel like heā€™s an actual flipping twat he doesnā€™t even care to entertain the convo with me walking off when I tried to show him says itā€™s not serious. And heā€™s like so youā€™re telling me my mum donā€™t know how to make formula then cause they always do that. Just wow guys.
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if I'm not wrong, that could be legally classified as neglect

@Sarah i was kind of thinking the same

I mean I wouldnā€™t use the word neglect with him in the same sentence as he is an amazing father otherwise Iā€™m just so shocked at learning this. Now it turns out other people do this too as we asked some friends around us :/ā€¦ Iā€™m a FTM and Iā€™m doing it to the book idc

it doesn't matter what other people do tbh because they are also wrong. it's so freaking easy to just use the instructions on the can. he's being willfully ignorant here and just doing whatever he wants because it's had no adverse effects YET. it is very important to use the instructions, otherwise there can be problems with digestion and/or dehydration. I ebf and have never used formula, and even I know the importance of properly measured formula. I'm not saying he's neglectful necessarily, but he is potentially (knowingly) putting your daughter at risk. how old is your daughter?

Please never let that guy make your child another bottle in his life that is not okay at all

@Sarah thatā€™s what I thought itā€™s literally not that much hard work. Our child is nearly one and I was also EBF for most part but I weaned baby off to put on formula as I didnā€™t want to BF anymore or even pump. Anyways we had an another conversation and he said going forward he would ā€œdo it my wayā€. I said my way you mean follow the guidelines ??

@Carmen yh he said he wouldnā€™t do it anymore but I donā€™t believe him lol I think heā€™ll just continue Tbh I do make up majority of the bottles anyway

This all depends on whether he knew he had to scoop out and measure formula has anyone ever told him? X

The instructions are on every can lol @Natalie

@Shanika yeah but Iā€™m trying to give him the benefit of the doubt to think he might not even have thought about it and thought you could just do that. I know my friends husband knew he had to scoop - but didnā€™t know he has to level it off, so had been giving her a heap of formula. It was only when my friend saw him make one on the off chance she realised what he had been doing xx

You arenā€™t overreacting, maybe just send a text with the instructions and be like hey this how we should feed our daughter Iā€™d really like us to be consistent with her feedings

I understand the want to rationalise the behaviour but itā€™s weaponised incompetence and our benefit of the doubt allows men to continue to not do better. If mums can read the instructions and not just think we can do something, especially two kids in - so can dads @Natalie

Lol. Itā€™s ok mom itā€™s nothing wrong with that. ITā€™s recommended to do it by measuring the formula with the water however. Sometimes I give my son an extra scoop for good luck or be a scoop short either way the can gone run out lol.

He is stupid sorry ,he could cause so much trouble for your baby with this ,just make bottles before and leave for him in the fridge so he can warm ,is better to be safe .

@Natalie the thing is he has a daughter from previous and he would bring her over with her formula so I just assumed he knew what he was doing from that.. tbh I never actually saw him make it and back then I wouldnā€™t have known any better myself cause I wasnā€™t a mum yet

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@Moe right I spoke to him and heā€™s reassured me heā€™ll do it properly now but whether he does behind my back is different story or if sheā€™s with her grandma cause he says his mum does it that way too..

@Briunca I am learning that others do it too but I just donā€™t take it that lightly Iā€™m sorry šŸ˜–

@Maria thatā€™s a good idea tbhā€¦

and you definitely shouldn't take it lightly, good on you for holding him accountable

i wouldn't say its neglect like the 1st comment but he's defo being dumb cause the instructions are on the box and he should know as he's got another kid but he wouldn't be making any of my kids bottles again šŸ¤£ i'd just give him the pre made milk next time

I would be absolutely fuming at this. This might have been done back in the day when his mum was doing bottles, but the guidance changes rapidly. When my daughter was born, I made 6 bottles at a time and put them in the fridge. When my son was born 5 years later, it had changed to doing them as needed. I wouldn't trust him to know anything to do with parenting after this.

@Briunca That's dangerous. It can cause harm to the baby. If I ever lost count while making a bottle, I'd start again with a new one. I'd rather lose out on a few scoops of powder than put my baby's health at risk.

Surly you both spoke to each other about how to make a bottle when you first had her?

I had to explain it to my partner

@Drew I said this he said the instructions are on a lot of things doesnā€™t mean you have to follow to a T can you imagine :/

@Saz (Sarah) yeah Iā€™ve heard of people making up all the bottles and storing but like you said the guidelines change and normally itā€™s for good reason as new research comes out

@Nadine no because I was EBF for a very long time and I never left babies side because she refused bottle. When she started solids I was still BF but was then able to leave her for a bit as she could get full from food. But I was trying to get her off the breast and onto formula at the same time. So one time I left her with dad and when I came back he said he made her a bottle and she drank some of It - i thought oh wow he knows what heā€™s doing plus like I said he has a previous so I just genuinely didnā€™t think to question him. That was at the beginning when baby wasnt really drinking milk from the bottle but eventually I managed to her her off the breast and fully onto the bottle .

Bloody hell how long has he been making her bottles like this then? Xx

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