Well, as my husband would say don’t do it. He and I had that conversation if our child (who ended up being a girl btw) was a boy that we would do it. From the physical standpoint there’s a lot of nerves there and my husband said he wouldn’t want to take that from someone. Now from the standpoint of cleanliness, yeah I’m sure it would be better to do it as it wouldn’t always be the cleanest as they got older, but it’s something that can be taught. This is only my personal opinion as a nanny for 6+ years. Keep in mind I have a daughter tho. Do what you think is best Mama. You’re doing great
*wouldn’t do it. Sorry autocorrect
I did it because I haven’t the first clue about how to take care of an uncircumcised Willy. I think it will make hygiene easier for my boy. I took him in to get circumcised and he ended up having a web. He never grew out of it. Having the web will prevent him from having children or even just sex in the future, which, I can’t believe I’m having to think of it that way but I don’t want to take away the option for him to have children. Anyways, he has to have surgery to have the web removed (all of this was told to us by a urologist and a surgeon) while they are in there they are going to circumcise him. That’s what my reasoning is for my child😊
Mother of two boys, never circumcised them (cruel in my opinion). It’s honestly so easy to take the time to teach them proper hygiene (which is what I see most people worrying about)😭
Hot topic lol hopefully everyone is respectful and the comments don't get to spicy 🤣 i personally had a boy and said I'd let dad choose for i don't have a penis, but I knew I didn't want vaccinations especially right after birth. Upon further research I came across a website "your whole baby" that gives you the pros and cons of both and goes in depth about the facts. I still let dad chose but I had him read through the articles and look at the pictures and videos (he decided not to) either way it's your kid, you guys are going to make the best decision with the information you have. I would just look at the facts and talk them over 💜😊
Yeah there’s no point to do it. People will say for being cleaner or risk of infection. But if you take care of it and teach them to clean it like they should being cut then it won’t matter that much. Even someone who is cut can have lots of infections. It’s being less and less popular so like you said why put them through something they don’t need.
@Melanie which isn't much different 🤷♀️ so I also don't feel it's a necessary cruelty
@Kenzie oo yeah that website is good. They also have a Facebook page you could join and ask questions.
I didn't do it with my son. He was going through so much already medically as a newborn I didn't want to put him through it, I watched a video of it when I was pregnant with him and decided I couldn't go through with it, plus I've known a couple men that had botched circumcisions and it's more common than you think. Also more baby boys these days aren't getting circumcised. My son has gotten more irritations on his penis than circumcised boys might, because of potty training, so I'm sure it'll stop once he's fully potty trained.
@Chloe what is a web? Did circumcising cause that or now because of that you need to get it done?
@Gabrielle like webbed toes. A web from his willy to his scrotum
@Gabrielle it's a skin bridge where skin from the scrotum is connected to the tip. It's a botched circumcision
@Naomi Kuulei um… no. He hasn’t been circumcised. He was born with it. He isn’t botched
@Naomi Kuulei please read what I said to fully understand. We went in to get it done and we couldn’t because of the web.
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The couple of guys that I've been with that also had a web said it was extremely sensitive and had pain. They'll live with that for life. That's a risk you take when you circumcise a baby
@Naomi Kuulei stop saying my son is botched and read my fucking comment
@Chloe dude.. chill out. I never said YOUR son is botched.
@Chloe I wasn't even talking about you
@Chloe oh okay I looked it up thank you for sharing. I can see why you would totally want to get that fixed and have your child circumcised. For sure it’ll help them so much down the line
@Naomi Kuulei then what was the point of replying for me?
@Chloe oh dear god, have a good night. I was just joining the conversation with my personal experiences. Calm down woman
Didn't do it. Medically unnecessary and borderline genital mutilation imo 😕
@Gabrielle thank you. I don’t want to take any options away from him. We just agreed since they have to go in that we would proceed with the whole thing.
@Naomi Kuulei well, fortunately, they aren’t caused by circumsision. They are born with them. If you don’t have an educated doc they will proceed which will result in it all being botched. It’s something that has been happening in the last 15 years and was incredibly rare before then. But, it’s formed inside the womb, not outside. There are cases but it is EXTREMELY RARE
@Chloe that's not true. It can happen from circumcision or being born with it, look it up dude.
@Naomi Kuulei I’ve done plenty of science based and evidence based research. Like I said, it can cause it but it’s extremely rare. If you have it you are more than likely born with it. But I did far more research than just the first website that popped up not to be rude. Websites ending in .edu and .gov are the most reliable as well as studies done by medical institutions, medical students, and people who devote their life to medical research/clinical trials. And that goes for all medical advice and research
@Naomi Kuulei but, I’m not going to spend anymore of the time I could be sleeping to continue this discussion. I have done my fair share of research :)
@Chloe bro I'm not arguing with you anymore. I already knew this info I'm just pulling it off the Internet to show you I'm not pulling it out of my ass. But that's fine. Have a nice night. This is pointless
@Naomi Kuulei thanks girl. I appreciate it. Have a nice night as well. Happy holidays to you and your family
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We got my son circumcised at 3 days old. They did put numbing cream on him. He did not cry at all. His father got circumcised as an adult and said he would never want him to go throw the pain he went through as well as the embarrassment growing up from being uncircumcised. I decided to let the decision up to his father ultimately. He was one. I don't. He understands that point of life far more than I ever will. I didn't see it as disfiguring him or whatever people try to say. More men when they are older (less capable of taking care of themselves) have infections and problems when being intact. Hope you find the answer you are looking for.
Please, do not do this to your baby. I come from a big Jewish family, with a LOT of boys. I visited for the last baby’s Briss. I helped care for him for two days beforehand. That baby was so calm and quiet. That poor baby screamed and screamed afterwards, for DAYS. It got infected. It was a mess. My sister had a friend who had a boy and was on the fence, my sister begged her not to do it. Guess what happened? They mutilated that poor babies penis. The most sensitive part of his body. He is bigger now, but has had serious ongoing complications, and they’re suing. You will be scared to clip your his little nails, worried that you might hurt him, but cutting off part of his body would be ok? Circumcision isn’t the norm in most countries, and is being done less and less here. My husband, who played water polo in HS, and was naked around other guys never had an issue w/anyone scrutinizing his penis. My son isn’t circumcised and is getting by in life just fine. Look up Yourwholebaby.com
My bf’s parents never did it on any of their sons I never did it on mine I personally don’t find it necessary. I also didn’t wanna put my baby through that if he wanted to when he’s older the trauma of that if much easier to handle than as an infant. Just my personal thoughts on that, hope this helps:)
I don't see the point unless it is medically nessesary. My husband agrees
don’t do it!!!! please 😭🙏
I didn't do it cause I didn't want them cutting my baby boy for no reason. Its obviously your choice because you're his mom 🫶
Check out the YouTube video "Child Circumcision: An Elephant in the Hospital"
Hi!! I personally think you should make this decision purely off of your choice. There are positive and negatives to both sides and tho lots of mommy’s don’t approve of it on here, at the end of the day your baby boy, when grown into a man, probably won’t care either way. I’m not sure I’ve ever heard of a man being upset as an adult about being circumcised but I have heard of men choosing to be circumcised as an adult and that’s extremely painful! If you get your baby circumcised the first week, at least for sure in the first two weeks, they won’t feel a ton of pain as their bodies are still turning on (nerves and all). I got my baby boy circumcised as it was both my husbands and I decisions when our boy was 5 days old and he was completely fine. He was fine after the appt, was fine during his 5 days of healing.. and everything is great and we are extremely happy with our decision and result. If anything, talk to the men in your life about this choice as they will be able to provide
(To continue) they will be able to provide insight on how they feel about the decision as at the end of the day, women do not personally go thru this. So ask the men how their confidence would feel, and how they ultimately feel about it all themselves. Might be awkward but I would get input from the gender that has gone thru this and all that.
Thanks for posting this question. Following- I feel conflicted about this too and curious what others think.