Right here with you on this! My girl will be 7 months on the 22nd and the last week has been BRUTAL. She has never slept for as long as your baby anyway, but she was at the very least going a good 6hrs without waking or crying out! She then screamed just being put down, so took ages to settle, then woke every 3 mins crying 😩. She's SLOWLY getting better, but still crying out in the night and waking for her dummy to be put back in, or a quick cuddle. I'm hoping she will sleep all the way through at some point!
It’s brutal I know! My baby was the same as soon as he turned 6 months, it lasted about 3 weeks and now he’s back to normal sleeping through the night (he’s 7.5 months old now) Have you tried tweaking his daytime schedule? Going from 3 to 2 naps a day seems to have helped, so having longer wake windows
I’m so glad we’re all in the same boat! But also, it’s horrid 🫠 he is just getting over 2 illnesses too so they’ve not helped! His wake windows are generally 2.5/3 hours & I don’t think I could draw them out anymore. Dependent on what time he wakes, he’s doing 3/4 naps! He’ll be 7 months on 21st & I am praaaaying, that’s our last week of this!
we r in the same boat girlll 😫 someone please tell us there is light at the end of this tunnel lol 🥲🥲🥲