@Courtney Davis thank you, I’ve never found that I’ve had an evap with one of these tests. I’m still getting the same light pink bleeding when I wipe only. Could be the start of my period but very unusual for me, and I have the cramps of a period not sure if that’s what you get when you’re pregnant as well though
@Courtney Davis yes looks quite similar to mine, with a slight fade in the middle but it came up within 5 minutes so really confusing x
@Elisha I’ve had another that’s similar too! It could be the start but you never know. The feeling of period cramps is the same as pregnancy cramps tbh with you. They all just feel the same it’s so annoying 🤣
@Courtney Davis was that one also faulty?
@Elisha as a mom of 4 kids and 5 pregnancys, those test were always positive to me. I always cramp when I was pregnant and getting a period was the same
Continue to test early morning and late afternoon.
@Elisha yes, but I had a positive test 2-3 days after, the last 2 times I was pregnant I’ve had it. (I had a mmc unfortunately tho)
@Elisha yeah mine came up within the timeframe too
@Elisha the hcg looked like my evap, however I got an evap 2 days before I found out I was pregnant twice now so. You’re not out till your out and your pink tinge could be implantation x