@Kayda what are the symptoms of silent reflux? And also how were you able to tell he had a milk protein intolerance ?
So for my baby with his reflux he would make a gagging sound after eating and would cough like it sounded like he was trying to get something out or had something in his throat. He’s a very bad sleeper and is constantly moving and some nights will wakeup every 20-30 due to the reflux. For the milk protein intolerance when he was on formula with milk in it he would have extremely smelly and a ton of gas and would poop very watery and very frequently like up to 8 times a day.
Kendamil made my LOs silent reflux pretty bad. I really wanted him to like that formula but he was so congested and fussy. We moved to byheart and that was a little better but he was still uncomfortable. The pediatrician wants him to try enfamil gentlease. So we’re in transition and on a mix of by heart and gentlease. I’m hoping for some relief with this combo until he fully transitions to gentlease. So far it is showing small signs of improvement!
We use Similac Alimentum, my LO has bad reflux, and a milk protein allergy. It is the only formula she can mostly keep down.
We use cow and gate colic and constipation
My baby also has silent reflux and my doctor has him on nutramigen. He also has a milk protein intolerance but I’ve found that this one helped him the best in terms of the reflux. He’s been on pretty much every other formula out there and has only had luck with hypoallergenic ones like that one.