Newborn stage is my least favourite!

I'm putting it out there ! The newborn stage is not my favourite at all 🙃 it's relentless. My girl was 6 weeks early, so we also got it for 6 weeks longer than usual. I'm a second time mum , and I thought I would be more chill as you know more of what you're doing, but the babies are so different . Because Ada was early, we had to wait longer for the smiling, which was 11 weeks (5 weeks corrected ), so this makes it harder as it will be longer waiting for every milestone So I'm just here to say , especially to any first-time mums here who are struggling, it's okay not to enjoy the newborn stage. My favourite age so far has been 2 🤣 my son is 3, which i also love, but he's 3 going on 13 ( threenager) .
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This is really refreshing to read as I am currently 8 weeks in and really struggling!

Age 2 is definitely my favourite too!!!

I hated the newborn stage with my daughter. Not a fan now with the twins. I just find it really monotonous. They’re boring quite honestly. I enjoy it when they start to do things and interact

I feel all of this. Second time mum, the sleep deprivation + having a threenager is killing me. I was awake at 4am this morning cleaning up their tandem poos. My newborn is on his second cough and cold caught from my toddler, which means he can't breathe at night And has been congested for 6 weeks. Get me to the 6 month mark plz! (Without wishing his little life away) Xx

I’m so glad you posted this, cause I feel the same way as well. I really struggle with the newborn stage. My fav is 2 years up. My eldest is now 3 and it’s honestly the best age ever. I feel guilty for saying this, but I often find myself wishing my second would grow up quicker so I can enjoy his toddler stage.

Ugh yes I hated the newborn stage too. With my son the whole thing was just crazy and I hated it. With my daughter the first 2 ish months we were figuring out a dairy allergy so it was constant screaming. Then once we figured it out she was a dream and was super chill and quiet. But those first few months I was really questioning my decision. But man toddler hood. Had been my favorite lol. After my son t Turned 2 he’s been a completely different child. Both kids have been amazing

@Clara Johnston it's so tough ! I honestly trying to survive through right now

@Jess yes! I feel you, Mama. You can guarantee you finally settle the baby, then the toddker wakes or throws a tantrum. It's non-stop .. I keep thinking the same 6 months onwards is needed, but with missy being early, it's going to be more than 7 months 🙃xxx

@Diane honestly I feel the same! I can't wait for this stage to be over . I try to tell myself it's the last time I will have a new born so try and enjoy what I can , honestly I just can't. The crying, sleepless nights and back to back feed,burp,bum with not much back is tough !! I think a lot more people don't enjoy it just they don't realise how normal that is xx

@Shaz This is me. It's amazing I had a second cuz I did not enjoy the first 5 months of my daughter very much. Definitely think things get better after 6 months but trying to make the most of his newborn days as I'm not having anymore babies.

I'm 7 weeks in with a second one and it is so hard, much harder this time around with having a 2 year old who is full of tantrums. I feel like we are wishing her little life away until it becomes easier 🙈x

First time mum to a little girl. She was born at 38 weeks and she will be 12 weeks tomorrow and, as much as I love her, I absolutely hate this stage!! It's ridiculously brutal!! Especially when you have no family around. I can't wait for her to grow up because at this point I'm just hanging by a thread!! (Sleep deprivation, exhaustion, fussy baby who spits up A LOT, having no social interaction and barely going out). Sometimes (particularly today) I just feel like I'm not cut out for this at all, although I did want and plan this. I hope it gets better 🥲

@Yasmina brutal is absolutely they right word for this stage ! It's completely normal to feel the way you do ! It does get easier. I can promise that, or I definitely wouldn't have had a second . I'm the newborn stage i always feel like why did I do this and again 🙃

@Tanya I'm the same don't worry! We're not having anymore but thst don't make or easier to try enjoy this stage at all 🙃 xx

Didn't realize how much I needed to read this today 😂 I always said I hated this stage with my eldest, am trying to enjoy the bits I can with my baby this time around but wow it is a struggle at the mo! And the guilt I feel for being more absent with my eldest is eating me up

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100% so glad other mums said you feel you aren't cut out for this! 🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️🙈 9 out of 10 I feel useless and lost. On the one hand trying so hard to enjoy the tiny baby stage and feel so sad my baby grew out of the newborn sizes clothed, on the other hand I cannot wait for when she talks and we can have cute chit chats, but the most I'm looking forward to when she's 7+ 😀😀 I worked as a nanny for 11yrs and older children are my favourite ages. When you can take them to cinema, museum, watch a meaningful movie and talk about life. It is bittersweet.

I hates it with my first as he was a terrible baby but enjoying it second time round as this one is a lot more settled but I was 100% dreading it and didn’t expect to feel like this. I deffo prefer looking after the baby than my threenager at the minute 😂 he’s relentless

@Jess I feel your comment about the 6 month mark, I’m on my 3rd and final baby I love him so so much but lord he is a difficult baby and as much as I’m gutted I can’t enjoy his newborn stage like I did my other two I also can’t wait to hit that 6 month mark. Bring on weaning, more sleep, an actual routine and crawling lol I’m ready for it alllll xxx

@Lianne I did not like weaning at all. I did it a little early with my first as I thought it would be fun. No so annoying just endless feeding and mess until they are old enough to eat properly themselves 😂 I also quite like that they don't move atm so you don't have to worry what they are up to. Sleep and routine I am totally with you though!

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