Off food

Anybody else’s toddler suddenly hates eating? My LG wasn’t a bad water, a bit picky but not bad and suddenly even her favourite dinners, lunches even breakfasts are a no. She would snack only if she could or have chocolate stuff🥲(when she was over at my parents they given her some chocolate which I’m guessing made her want only that?) I just don’t know what to do as I don’t want her not eating!
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Mines had a horrible cold the last couple weeks. Finally over it, he had 4 days of just eating eating eating and since yesterday he doesn't want much food. He's done it before ages ago, lasted a week and everyone including Dr's said if he's hungry he'll eat , just keep trying and be calm about it

Yes my son was a pretty good eater and now it's really hard to get him to eat. Even previously favourite meals. We just keep offering, try to eat the same thing at same time. We leave the plate for a bit after he's supposedly finished as he might come back to it a bit later. He seems more of a grazer at the moment so I just keep offering healthy snacks - fruit, oatcakes etc. I'm sure it's a phase that will pass. But I'm the same that I can't help but worry he's not eaten enough.

My lg is super picky has been for months she still now but she is now trying foods and eating fruit it’s just persevering

Welcome to the terrible twos 🥲

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