I don’t know which is best but I’ve bought the Aptamil ready made bottles because they come pre-sterilised with a teat and everything, so they’re ready to go! I think there were 6 in a box so I bought 2 because I have no idea how much we’ll need haha x
I also bought Aptamil for the same reasons, I ordered from Amazon although only got one box of 6 as hoping I’ll be able to breastfeed and if not hopefully my partner can go out and get more x
They’re all pretty similar as formula is heavily regulated. We used cow and gate with our last. Planning on expressing but going to take a box of the premade stuff of cow and gate incase. It comes with everything. You take off the seal and attach the teat provided! Just need to get that box and it’ll be fine. I won’t be able to take syringes of breastmilk with me because we’re staying in a hotel near the hospital the night before so no access to freezer x
I’m using the kendamill ones that come with the sterilised teets in the box!
You can either take the ready made ones which have a teat or you can take a freshly steralised bottle with you and the bottle of formula (bottles only stay steralised for about 24 hours so might be easier ti take packet ones with a teat). I’d just go cow and gate or aptamil- these are standard brands
If you are looking to breastfeed the hospital will provide you with formula if you struggle whilst in hospital. Its only if your not breastfeeding at all that they do not provide formula x
@Beth see this differs from trust. Where I had my baby last time they provided us with some. I think they only hold cow and gate and SMA though. We did take some in so when we couldn’t get their attention we’d just use our own. The hospital I’ll be in this time does provide you with formula but they make you use this weird wee cup instead of bottles x
With my first I was breastfeeding, we still ended up topping up with formula as he was on antibiotics so midwife recommended and was big hungry baby and I was very tired from 2 days in labour. They provided formula for the first day but then partner had to bring some in next day. We used cow and gate ready made little bottles that come with a teat, however hospital also provided different bottles/teats as we were just topping up didn’t always use the full bottle so then it could go in the fridge up to 24hrs (which you can’t do if drinking directly from it). This time I have picked a box of 6 just incase. We also brought in colostrum syringes, however I would recommend not bringing them all in one go or getting someone to drop them off after your settled on a ward as hospital didn’t store them correctly and ended up having to throw away most of what I had collected.
@Samantha ahhhh I see! X
I was at a breast feeding class the other day and midwife said all formulars are the same as they all have to have the same main ingredients🤗 but they also gave me colostrum syringes so I can hand express from 36-37 weeks and collect and freeze to take to the hospital to help incase struggling to breastfeed🤗 hope this helps x