My midwife advised against ashwagandha during pregnancy. Sorry, mama. I would talk to your midwife/obgyn about possible other pregnancy safe antidepressants. During pregnancy, I focused on making sure i ate enough foods with omega-3, folate, magnesium and zinc, and stayed active with PregActive’s online subscription really helped me. Good luck 🫶🏽
@Ana Moore thanks hun. I know I should get out more but it is so hard to push myself. I am unfortunately alone for most of the day since hubby works and my daughter is in school. I push myself to upkeep the house and make dinner but more than that feels impossible these days.
Hey! Unfortunately don’t have experience with this , but there aren’t many trials with herbs in pregnancy so no one can for sure say if it’s safe at the moment. I would try and talk to a naturally minded doctor if you got one and ask for support, I definitely know that not lacking certain vitamins is super important for your mental health, so maybe worth to keep looking into supplementation. In the end it might be about weighing the risks of taking sth that isn’t proven to be 100% safe against the risk of not getting better. Maybe there’s studies on a specific supplement linked with pregnancy that you could do your research about? All the best x
@Joanna I totally understand what you mean and I always felt like house chores made me more depressed 😩 have you tried have music playing all day? It really boosts my mood whenever I have a good playlist going on
Take more b vitamins and fish oils
I have tried these individually and can share my personal experience and tips. I would advice against taking all of them together as you never know which one you may react badly to. Also it is not adviced to take ashwaganda and rhodiola during pregnancy. I personally take NACs, magnesium, iron, multi vitamins. L-tyrosine worked for me for depression but I haven’t taken it pregnant, just a few doses non-pregnant seemed to permanently get rid of my depression. It also depends on your brain chemistry. You don’t want to throw off and chemical balance. I’m not a doctor so do take my advice with a pinch of salt.
I had depression during my pregnancy and what helped me was tons of outdoors activities and not being left alone with my thoughts. I needed to take antidepressants the entire time because I couldn’t cope and my baby was born just fine. The medical team knows and is ready to deal with any “withdrawal” signs. For postpartum I was completely out of meds since I was breastfeeding and being outside helped so much. Being in a dark room sleeping with a baby half of the day increases alot our depression levels unfortunately. Hang in there girl, I hope someone can help you ❤️