I’ve gone back on the pill, I picked the one I was last on in the hopes my body recognises it so it doesn’t mess with my hormones too much 😅
I had mirena coil fitted during c section
Other half is getting the snip ✂️ I've had 4 babies I've done my bit 😂
I’m thinking of having the implant in my arm x
Pill again
My husband got the snip when I was pregnant with my second. I’ve done my bit for us and my body and hormones are much better without any form of contraception
We’ve used condoms for about 6 years as I hated being on the pill so back to those until ready to think about a second baby 😅
@Jess how are you finding it? As im thinking of having it done swell
Back on the mini pill
I have my depo injection tomorrow