Reluctant potty trainer

I’d like to hear from anyone who has a kid who is reluctant to potty train and what you did to convince them! Before his birthday we tried for a weekend and he cried every time we put him on a potty. It felt like we were making it more traumatising and he probably just wasn’t ready. We’ve waited until now and have a lot of time over Christmas where we want to try again but every conversation about using the potty or toilet is met with a very strong ‘NO’ from him! I don’t want to push it and make him hate the idea of it more, but I also don’t know whether he will ever want to do it willingly 😂 did anyone else have this and what did you do? When we got rid of his dummy we just cut the end and he adapted really quickly so I don’t know whether to just remove the nappies and just say they aren’t available anymore to see if he adapts the same way. Help!
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im in the same boat with my little girl it's frustrating but im slowly getting there shes three and only just asking for potty and "mummy i wee'd!" idk how more stubborn my lo can get and is aha

@Rebekah my LB will tell us he has pooed and ask us to change his nappy immediately, but for a wee he could happily sit in a wet nappy all day. It feels like he is so far from being ready or caring! At this point I don’t know if he ever will care 😂 and whether to just remove the nappy so he feels wet and wants to use the toilet. Or will that make it even worse for him?? I have no idea anymore.

My friends just took the nappies off and both of their boys adapted quickly. I’m not saying this is right or wrong but I do know someone for whom this worked very well. Good luck!

Same boat. She even says no if I ask her if she had a poop and I know she had. It's frustrating tbh, pregnant with my second now and I just want her to potty train before her sibling comes. Not to.mention she's going to school next September 😅

@Petra same, our second is due in April and I want him out the nappies for then! Between Christmas and him going back to nursery in the New Year is the ideal time for us to do it because we have the time!

@Maria did she take the nappies off and do no bottoms at home or just swap straight to pants/trousers and let them get wet? I feel like if I take the nappies off and let him be naked at home, he will happily wee all over the house before accepting the potty 😂

Same here! My little boy is just not interested one bit. We’ve told him that after Santa comes we’re going to use the toilet like a big boy and he’s like right yeah ok whatever mum 😂🙈

She took the nappies off and kept both boys in pants and trousers. Feeling wet & 💩in their pants was unpleasant so I think after 4 days their eldest got the point. After 2 weeks he fully transitioned to potty with not so many accidents. (So I’m told). Not sure about their youngest. They did both potty training over the summer months when there were less layers to change. I potty trained my daughter in winter and luckily we didn’t have accident while out, the endless layers was a pain 😅

@Keeley we’ve tried the ‘big boy’ line and he says no, he is a little boy 😂

@Louise 😂😂 yep ours says that too some days!

Have you tried just being naked from waist down at home and just leaving the potty in an accessible place? Not putting pressure on using it he might just naturally use it when he feels the need to wee etc !?

Glad I’m not alone, sometimes I feel like he’s the only one still in nappies. I’ve tried several times since last April. He’s not interested. He can hold for hours without a nappy on. In the summer we had him completely freak out when he had the smallest trickle come out when he didn’t have a nappy on so had to take a break. I was trying to get him trained before he started preschool in September but that didn’t happen, then tried October half term but he ended up with the flu so had to stop now I’m desperate for it to be done over Xmas. I’m also due my second in April so would love a break from nappies before then. I can get him to sit with bribes of a chocolate button each time but he won’t actually do anything when he’s on there. He also keeps telling everyone what he’s going to buy when he does a wee or poo.

@Stephanie I feel this! It does seem like he is the last one left in nappies and it’s partly why I’m starting to question waiting until he is obviously showing signs of being ready, because it feels like he never will and maybe others have just hit the bullet and done it! I’m the same, we have a baby due in April and I want him done by then. But it only gives us Christmas/New Year and then Feb half term as times we can really focus on it and do the whole ‘nappy off for 2/3 days’. So now I’m wondering whether that’s even the right method for us to do. I don’t know whether to just task nursery with nailing it!

@Grace yeah we tried that first and he cried whenever we noticed him weeing and would pop him on the potty. I think he would happily just wee on the floor and still avoid the potty! I guess there is no consequence to him weeing on the floor so it’s an easy solution for him, and doesn’t encourage him to accept the potty. We’ve kept the potty out so he sees it and it isn’t a big deal, but he doesn’t seem to be warming up to it!

@Louise oh bless him ! Is he also wary of the toilet? You can get the little steps with the seat maybe he would find that more “fun” and also would be the same as what you do then rather than a potty on the floor. I know a lot of people follow the oh crap method / book not sure what that is ! He will get there is a big thing for them 🥹x

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@Grace at the moment he is wary of the toilet or the potty. I have ordered the little stairs/seat because it will be helpful in the long run for him anyway. No idea if he will be more inclined to do it! I did show him the options to let him pick a colour but he said no to all of them 😂

You just need to go cold turkey, and encourag him to use the potty or you sit with him there and see how he takes to it. He will not want to use his potty when he knows his got something on to protect him, so get rid of it and don't go back unless it is bed time or nap time

@Marie I’m currently the only person who has weed on his potty 😂 I think I’m just going to make him go cold Turkey over Christmas. So festive 🫠

@Petra sounds alike mine saying no when asking even if it’s clear she is pooing🤣 I guess they will go on the potty when they will be ready.

@Louise have you made any progress? We’re a week in to really pushing for it over Xmas and have made zero progress 🙄

@Stephanie yes! We decided to go for it before we originally planned because we ran out of nappies and used that as the reason - ‘we have to use the potty because there are no nappies left’. The first 2 days weren’t great and quite frustrating as he would sit on the potty, not do anything and then walk off and wee instantly! On the second day the toilet steps were delivered and he was excited about those, which seemed like a turning point. He actually went to nursery for half a day on the third day and had no accidents and did a poo (he hadn’t for the 2 days!) and since then he has been really good. We didn’t do the bottom half naked method, we knew he had to feel the discomfort of being wet (he also wanted SOMETHING on, even if it wasn’t a nappy). My LB seems to prefer his little toilet rather than a potty, have you tried with either those or the steps?

@Louise we have a toilet seat which he refuses to use. He was happy sitting on that in the summer but now refuses and will only sit on the potty with lots of bribing. The main issue we have with him is wee withholding so I’ve started putting pants on him as it seems to at least make him have an accident so he can feel uncomfortable. Everytime it feel likes we’re making progress he takes a step back again the next day.

@Stephanie yeah I think putting pants (or just trousers) on ours helped. I also have a chart for stickers when he sits/wees/poos on the potty. He got a sticker for any of those and got a chocolate button if he managed to get to the toilet/potty in time. We’ve already been able to stop doing that now so it’s not a long term thing but because I think he is reward driven it helped getting something for getting it right.

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