I miscarried 1 month ago at 5 weeks
This is what my test looks like today. I’m worried because I kind of feel the way I did when I miscarried. This is my second baby and with first baby I didn’t feel like I have these past two times. Just wondering if there are any similar success stories. Plus the line is so faint so that worries me also. My line was super faint last time too and then it was getting lighter, I will keep testing to make sure it gets darker just looking for some reassurance. My hcg was tested and back to zero and I was told I could start trying again.
Faint doesn’t mean bad. Just means low hcg. Earlier in the pregnancy, there’s less. The further along you get, the more, which would darken the line. When I was 6 weeks pregnant, my line was so faint, I thought it was negative. My friend told me I was pregnant because she saw a line, I thought she was messing with.