@Katie why? X
@Kath my midwife said it can make newborns gassy and doesn’t help with their stomach if you are feeding straight from the syringe and there’s air in there.
I’ve been making sure there’s no air bubbles in there. If you’re going to express for a full 1ml you can keep in fridge for 24 hours then it has to be frozen xx
I freeze mine after 48 hours so I can get as much as I can in there. Then freeze for 6 months
@Katie In a hospital I was at in Newcastle and now hospital in Southampton I’ve been advised by 4 different midwives 24 hours otherwise it can go off 🤔 I know it can be frozen for up to 6 months xx
@Katie aw right well I’m not risking it when 2 different regions of midwives have said the same. Each to their own I suppose ☺️ xx
Also it’s amazing you managed so much I’m 37 weeks and managed 0.2 on my first day. I’m sure baby will be super happy with all the liquid gold x
@Katie aw thank you so much! It’s crazy how much came out and I didn’t even have to try that hard! I was so confused especially as I’m only 35 weeks, I’d say the shower really did help and I just tried to relax a lot after it, good luck to you too! Xx
I wouldn’t recommend hand expression until 36 weeks onwards x
I was encouraged to express colostrum after 36 weeks. I froze it in syringes like you have. I also had gestational diabetes. we gave it to my newborn while encouraging him to suck
I got told not to have any air bubbles or air in it.