
Does anyone have any recommendations on how to get LOs to drink milk? My LO is 15 months and will not drink milk anymore, he’ll have it with cereal but just won’t entertain drinking it now.
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They don't actually need milk as a definite part of their diet and as long as he is eating yogurt and other forms of calcium it is fine 🙂. He also may start liking it again so try again after a break . X

@Maria thank you. He loves yoghurt and cheese, so maybe I’ll just try again in a couple of weeks or something x

My girl doesn’t drink milk. I often bake with it though like making savoury scones

They can get enough calcium from yoghurt cheese etc. don’t worry!

Try smoothies! My girl isn't fond of milk either but she likes her smoothies. My public health nurse mentioned she needs about 4 cups of milk a day, but I'm taking it with a grain of salt. Milk is a good source of calcium and fortified with vitamins, but you can get the same benefits from other sources, as mentioned above. Milk is just an easy way to get them all in one place.

You could try Roobois tea or some warm milk with a drop of honey and some cinnamon

Try giving it in a cup, same as the one used for drinking water.

Thanks everyone, I’ll give these all a go and try to stop worrying so much 😂

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